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Marathon Season

With Marathon season now in full swing, 6 of our athletes took on the distance in both Manchester & Boston over the weekend, with each runner excelling themselves with strong performances and several personal bests.
First up was Manchester Marathon on Sunday which saw Ross Mercer as the first Harrier over the line in a new PB of 2.45. Next over the line was relative newcomer to the club Michael Nugent, closely followed by Matt McDowell in 2.55 for more PBs. Reuben Moore (pictured) broke the 3 hour barrier for the first time, completing the course in 2.59 while Pete Fraser notched up another marathon in 3.20.
The following day and across an ocean, international jet-setter Mark McElhinney completed his 50th marathon by completing the undulating Boston course. Mark finished in 3.27, making all the winter training worthwhile. Well done to all our runners.