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Weekend round-up

It’s been a busy week of racing culminating in some podium appearances.

Firstly, well done to Chris Collins & David Turtle who finished 1st & 3rd respectively at the Glenarm Half Marathon. Chris took the win in a time of 1.23.06 while David showed a great return to form by taking 3rd in 1.25.31.

Elsewhere in the 10k, Phil Smyth finished in 49.46 while Davy Lennon crossed the line in 53.30. Nicole & Peter Tucker also ran in the Vet65 Category finishing in 1.04 & 1.24 respectively.

Earlier in the week, Billy Reed completed yet another epic race, this time in the form of the Northern Traverse - a 189 mile route crossing England from coast to coast. Billy showed his incredible endurance to run for 58 hours to finish in 12th position.

Also this week, Ross Mercer competed in the Queens 5k Road Race, continuing his good form this year to record another impressive time of 16.44. Well done to all!